Safety and Environment

Safety and Environment

The Company and its top management recognise the importance of the management of health and safety in the workplace and are committed to the welfare of the employees and others. This policy is a statement of commitment to conduct business in a manner that as far as is reasonably practicable reduces the risks to the health and safety of its employees, visitors and the public, or of damage to the environment.

Basic Policy

The manufacture of silicon wafers presents a broad spectrum of hazards ranging from common workplace activities e.g. use of work equipment, manual handling to highly specialist processes capable of causing significant injury and harm e.g. the use of corrosive chemicals and gases. These hazards shall be identified and where possible eliminated, reduced or controlled through a system of risk assessment and the implementation of risk control mechanisms. Specialist hazards shall be reviewed by technical groups using advanced risk assessment techniques such as HAZOP and FMEA.

The company is committed to providing its workers with safe and healthy working conditions, to the prevention of injury and ill health from its work activities and to continual improvement of health and safety management and performance. Occupational health and safety objectives and targets shall be set at plant and department level and shall be implemented through safety improvement plans.  The objectives will be reviewed at the EHS Department plant performance review.

All legal requirements relevant to occupational health and safety shall, as a minimum standard, be complied with. Where appropriate, the minimum legal standards shall be exceeded in line with what is considered best practice. In Implementing this policy, the Company shall have due regard to the requirements of the following:

Environmental Policy Statement

Shin-Etsu Handotai Europe Ltd recognises global environmental protection as one of the most important issues facing humankind and the planet. Shin-Etsu believes in the fundamental principal of giving environmental consideration to every aspect of its business activities as it aims at contributing to a society where sustainable development is possible

Shin-Etsu is committed to the manufacture and supply of high quality silicon wafers in such a way that minimises the impact of its activities on the environment

  • The scope of Shin-Etsu’s activities  is defined with business process description for the  Environmental Management System
  • Shin-Etsu promotes and organises environmental protection in a manner to enable its operations to be carried out safely and effectively. Operations will be carried out in a manner that prevents pollution to air, water and land.
  • Shin-Etsu will aim to assess any environmental effects caused by its business activities and establish technically viable controls focused on the reduction in use of harmful materials, the conservation of resources and energy, the minimisation of wastes and promotion of recycling.
  • Shin-Etsu will regularly set and revise goals to promote continual improvement and enhance its environmental performance. The framework for setting these goals is contained in the procedure  Objectives Setting and Targets. These goals are confirmed and revised as applicable at the EMS Management review.
  • Shin-Etsu shall comply with all applicable national and international laws, regulations and other requirements related to the environment. Moreover, Shin-Etsu aims to establish its own standards to prevent environmental pollution.
  • Shin-Etsu will strive to instil an understanding of its environmental policies among all employees and others who carry out work on behalf of the company.  Awareness of environmental issues shall be raised through education and communication.
  • Shin-Etsu shall organise its activities that have the potential to have an effect on the environment by implementation of and environmental management system that is compliant with the ISO 14001:2015 standard.
  • Shin-Etsu is committed to maintaining good relationships with outside parties including regulators, customers, neighbours and local communities. The safety and environmental management policies are available to the public on request.


Shin-Etsu Handotai Europe Ltd, Registered in Scotland No: 87947


Wilson Rd, Toll Roundabout, Eliburn, Livingston, West Lothian, United Kingdom
EH54 7DA



+44 (0) 1506 415555

UK modern slavery act compliance and anti-slavery statement central register