Quality Objectives
Achieve our business needs in accordance with SEH Corporate directives and QMS standard.
Continuous improvement
Empower employees to be responsible for quality
Work with our customers and suppliers to achieve reliable quality products and services
Mission Statement
It is the mission of SEH Europe Ltd to be recognised by our present and potential Customers as the supplier most able to ensure that their requirements (stated or implied) are consistently met and, where possible, exceeded.
SEH-E aims to develop and maintain a position of being the undisputed leader in the European market place using a process approach in key areas of unrivalled technology, quality, delivery, cost, safety, environment and ethics results while maintaining a stable relationship with all our customers and other interested parties.
Quality Policy
It is the policy of SEH Europe Limited to:
- Manufacture and supply Silicon wafers (Polished and Epitaxial 150mm ~ 200mm Diameter) to meet customer, legal, regulatory and other interested parties’ applicable requirements with our goal being ZERO defects.
- Ensure that customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements are determined, understood and consistently met whilst enhancing customer satisfaction.
- Ensure the risks and opportunities that can affect conformity of Silicon wafers products are determined and addressed
This is to be achieved by policies focused on 7 pillars defined in the table below:
Pillar | Policy |
Customer Focus |
Leadership |
Engagement of People |
Process Approach |
Improvement |
Evidence based decision making |
Relationship Management |
Download our Quality Policy.
Shin-Etsu Handotai Europe Ltd, Registered in Scotland No: 87947