Corporate Responsibility

Corporate Governance

As a participant in the Responsible Business Alliance, Shin-Etsu Handotai Europe Limited believes that operating in a responsible and sustainable manner complements our core business strategy and corporate values allowing us to manage risk and maximise the opportunities available to us.


Our Code of Management Ethics and related procedures are intended to provide a framework to be followed by all employees and as a guide to our expectations for suppliers, contractors and other stakeholders.


At Shin-Etsu Handotai Europe Ltd, we define Corporate Responsibility as follows:


  • Conducting business in a socially responsible and ethical manner, ensuring compliance with national and international laws (including, as far as it is possible for us to influence,  the UN Global Compact and UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights)
  • Sustainability of our operations including but not restricted to, environmental considerations.
  • Engaging with, respecting, learning from and supporting the communities with which we interact.
  • Meaningful engagement with our stakeholders  and promotion of continuous improvement activities.

Shin-Etsu Handotai Europe Ltd, Registered in Scotland No: 87947


Wilson Rd, Toll Roundabout, Eliburn, Livingston, West Lothian, United Kingdom
EH54 7DA



+44 (0) 1506 415555

UK modern slavery act compliance and anti-slavery statement central register